Before talking about acupuncture, I have a question for you: If the tip of the needle is the eye of the acupuncturist, what kind of scenery do you think the acupuncturist will see?
Since learning acupuncture, I have aware that the different levels of the human body are really mysterious. Different acupuncturists have different experiences and connotations. Let’s say, putting needles in the face. Although we are not doing face-beautifying acupuncture, we also put needles on the face to treat people’s diseases.
I have seen a case of an old lady who had an asthma attack. My teacher put needles under her lips which are Tung’s extraordinary acupoints, after 10 minutes, the old lady was breathing steadily and fell into a deep sleep. To give another case, a woman with abdominal distension for many days, my teacher put needles on her eyebrow, her intestines then made a sound and resumed peristalsis. For me, applying acupuncture on the face can promote health, which is a familiar concept to me; acupuncture points are like springs, connecting the fascia, muscles, nerves and internal organs, just like mountains and rivers, which is a common sight under my acupuncture.
I have seen a case of an old lady who had an asthma attack. My teacher put needles under her lips which are Tung’s extraordinary acupoints, after 10 minutes, the old lady was breathing steadily and fell into a deep sleep. To give another case, a woman with abdominal distension for many days, my teacher put needles on her eyebrow, her intestines then made a sound and resumed peristalsis. For me, applying acupuncture on the face can promote health, which is a familiar concept to me; acupuncture points are like springs, connecting the fascia, muscles, nerves and internal organs, just like mountains and rivers, which is a common sight under my acupuncture.
Registered Acupuncturist | Daniel Chen